Jane Doe – Recipes for Refugees
Jane Doe’s second album in 2014 will be available for free to those who purchase its “sibling” Revolution Diaries, which was released earlier that year (May 2014).
Jane Doe’s live atmosphere was captured in Revolution Diaries. An extrovert and compact album with a specific sound. Extrovert in the sense that it was inspired by the “outside”. By what is happening around us.
Contrary to Revolution Diaries, Recipes for Refugees is inspired by the “inside”. By the inner, emotional world. A more adventurous sound, to such an extent that it contains songs very different from what we have heard by Jane Doe until now.
Jane Doe’s intention maybe was to offer their listeners a side album as a gift. They didn’t achieve this! Recipes for Refugees is far more than a side album. It is the new album of a band that is at its creative peak.
Recipes for Refugees is not necessarily better than Revolution Diaries. Comparing the two is of no use, as one compliments the other- like a yin yang. It is, however, more fascinating.
(Whoever has purchased or will purchase Revolution Diaries cd can contact Puzzlemusik so they can receive via email the full album Recipes for Refugees. The instructions can be found in the cd booklet)